Automatic Gearbox Diagram at CCM Garages
New Oil Filter At CCM Garages


An automatic gearbox is a mechanical unit and does wear, along with the oil-degrading. The oil causes particles to move around the gearbox and pass through the filter units, this may sound worrying but is part of the design and works to trap and contain contamination.

Filter units now generally come as a kit with a new sump section, filters and seals. As part of a gearbox service, your filter will be changed. In some cases, we will offer you a choice of filter kits, often more times than not, valued 4×4 drivers will opt to upgrade to a metal filter kit ( rather than the standard plastic unit ) as this offers greater underside protection.

The filter kit market has started to become rather competitive and as with all products you get what you pay for. We will typically source an Original Equipment (OE) filter kit meaning that the kit we fit comes from the same factory as the ones supplied by the main dealer. A clean filter is important as it allows the smooth flow of the gearbox oil optimising driving performance and helping to extend the life of your gearbox.

For a quote, please contact us directly! Each gearbox varies so much that we are unable to publish estimates online.


At CCM we won’t cut corners when changing your automatic gearbox oil. The correct processes and parts come hand in hand with a successful outcome.

By using best quality parts and the latest technology we are able to ensure that your gearbox oil flush is an exact science.

**Warning** some garages have recently been found to use a backwards flush process and not change the filters, this process pushes contamination into a non-circulating gearbox and will likely make things worse not better.


  • What if I don’t change my filter?

    You will save a few quid today, but will be harming your gearbox, and will not benefit in the same way for better performance.

  • Are all gearbox oil filters the same?

    No, at CCM we will only fit quality parts. Some cheaper filters are plastic and by simply holding them in your hand you can tell they are not of the same quality as the OE units, we would not want a filter kit that we had fitted to fail!

  • How often should I be changing my automatic gearbox oil filter?

    Each manufacturer will differ slightly, but recommend having an oil and filter change between 60-70,000 miles or every 5 – 6 years , so most cars will need this job 2 or 3 times in their life cycle.

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